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A Church with a Heart for Lilburn and Beyond
Discover a community where you’re known, loved, and empowered to grow in faith and purpose.
We’re here to help you find truth and experience mercy in Jesus.
It’s all about Jesus not us
Worship together at a Gathering.
We are participants not just spectators
Serve on a Team.
We make disciples not converts
Grow in your faith through a Class.
We do life together now just church
Connect to community in a Group.
We send not just assemble
Go on a Mission.
WHAT IS A SMALL GROUP?Groups are gatherings of 8-14 people who meet together regularly to study Scripture, pray, encourage each other, and do life together. Groups meet at various times and locations and each has their own flavor, depending on the leaders and members, so you can find a group that fits you.
HOW DO I JOIN A SMALL GROUP?When you click “FIND A GROUP” (see above button), you’ll be able to view the details on all of our current small groups and find one that best fits your life stage, your location, and your calendar. If you enter your contact information, a Small Group leader will be in touch with meeting details. But no need to sign up to join, just show up! We'd love to have you.
WHY SHOULD I JOIN A SMALL GROUP?God created us and calls us to live live in community with other. The best way to be a part of a community that treasures Jesus here at Church on a Hill is to join a Small Group. The New Testament church met both in corporate worship in the temple courts and in smaller groups in homes (Acts 2:46). We want to follow this pattern and seek to do life together, not just church.
WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT?Most of our Small Groups meet weekly for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. At Small Groups, you may share coffee or a snack, encourage one another, and discuss together a Bible passage or topic. We want to see rich hospitality, genuine conversations, and honest prayer happen weekly in our Small Groups. But if this is all new and a little scary to you, just show up and be you. Our Small Groups are a place you can belong before you believe.
Our church affirms the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 as our doctrinal statement of faith. To see the full statement, click here
Our Pastors
Our Support Staff

Caleb Gallegos
Production Coordinator

Cindy Morrison
Custodial Caretaker

Susan Myers
Financial Assistant

Paige Hammond
Children's Director

Tim Rose
Youth Director

Olivia Martinez
Admin Assistant & Events
WHAT IS A SMALL GROUP?Groups are gatherings of 8-14 people who meet together regularly to study Scripture, pray, encourage each other, and do life together. Groups meet at various times and locations and each has their own flavor, depending on the leaders and members, so you can find a group that fits you.
HOW DO I JOIN A SMALL GROUP?When you click “FIND A GROUP” (see above button), you’ll be able to view the details on all of our current small groups and find one that best fits your life stage, your location, and your calendar. If you enter your contact information, a Small Group leader will be in touch with meeting details. But no need to sign up to join, just show up! We'd love to have you.
WHY SHOULD I JOIN A SMALL GROUP?God created us and calls us to live live in community with other. The best way to be a part of a community that treasures Jesus here at Church on a Hill is to join a Small Group. The New Testament church met both in corporate worship in the temple courts and in smaller groups in homes (Acts 2:46). We want to follow this pattern and seek to do life together, not just church.
WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT?Most of our Small Groups meet weekly for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. At Small Groups, you may share coffee or a snack, encourage one another, and discuss together a Bible passage or topic. We want to see rich hospitality, genuine conversations, and honest prayer happen weekly in our Small Groups. But if this is all new and a little scary to you, just show up and be you. Our Small Groups are a place you can belong before you believe.
In partnership with

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